

FTK Central

FTK Central is a web-based platform that allows tactical investigators to conduct mutual investigations. It is a typical review platform, intended for the analysis and assessment of data uncovered in an investigation. The web-interface allows for multiple people to work on any case simultaneously. The software offers a clear overview of gathered data, contains analysis functionalities, and can process data very quickly.

FTK Central is a user-friendly platform that required minimum training, and can be used for both small and big cases. The platform lets investigators review documents uploaded via the back-end virtually immediately.

Managers can configure any file in a way that allows investigators to only access the data relevant to their case or cases.

FTK Central supports many different file types. Investigators can easily navigate between documents, videos, and chatlogs, for example. The software also offers convenient hotkeys and AI-image labelling to save time on repetitive tasks.

Want to know more about how FTK Central can benefit your organisation? Contact us today.

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