


FTK Lab was developed to allow for a more efficient approach to large cases with a great deal of data in a scalable environment. FTK Lab is a centralised investigations platform with web-based review functionalities. The fact that Lab uses a single central database makes it possible for multiple individuals to work the same case simultaneously. Lab is eminently suited to organisations dealing with large quantities of data and collaborating with other disciplines in their fields, such as legal workers, HR, or corporate business. The powerful and easy-to-use web interface allows even non-technically inclined individual to further investigate data.

Using case management functionalities, a manager can assign cases and rights to individual agents. Evidence can also be fully secured at both the case and file levels. FTK Lab has centralised logging and an active directory integration for verification. It is also possible to use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in the web browser for secure communications. Lastly, FTK Lab is easily converted to cloud-based environments like AWS or Azure, thereby cutting back on hardware costs.

Want to know more about how FTK Lab can benefit your organisation? Contact us today.

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